Friday 12 August 2011

When Ira Glass met Wolverine and Nightcrawler

There is certainly no shortage of improbable crossovers in superhero comics. But this bit of cross-promotion between Marvel and NPR's program This American Life may rank near the top of the list:

This is a limited-edition print that TAL is currently selling on their website. The art is taken from a recent X-Men comic featuring art from Michael Allred. At some point the story features Wolverine and Nightcrawler on a road trip, during which they tune in to a broadcast of This American Life. That word balloon features host Ira Glass doing his familar intro:

The theme this week? Corporate Synergy!


  1. You know, that was actually a decent comic. I also think it's more likely Allred just wrote the characters listening to TAL and then the Glass discovering this made the prommo connection. I don't think it's conscious brand synergy, and even if it was, TAL is hardly an evil corporation...

  2. It was part of a montage of silly road trip scenes if I recall correctly.

  3. I was just joking about this being the result of corporate synergy. I assumed it was a bit of an in-joke for Allred or Milligan (?); just thought it was an unlikely one is all.
